Diamantoula (2016) Aqua Pilates versus Land Pilates: Physical Fitness Outcomes

Study Overview:
This study delves into the comparative effects of Aqua Pilates and Land Pilates on various physical fitness parameters, including body composition, muscle endurance, and aerobic capacity. By analyzing women who have engaged in either form of Pilates for two years, the research aims to uncover the distinct benefits each modality offers.

Forty women participated in the study, divided into two groups: one practicing Land Pilates and the other Aqua Pilates, both for two years, twice a week. Their physical fitness was assessed using the Eurofit fitness evaluation tests and other measures such as the Astrand-Rhyming test for aerobic capacity and cholesterol levels through the finger-tip method.

The study found that both Aqua and Land Pilates positively impacted aerobic capacity, muscle endurance, and balance. However, significant differences were noted in body composition, flexibility, and abdominal muscle endurance, with Land Pilates showing superior results in these areas.

The findings suggest that while both forms of Pilates enhance overall fitness, Land Pilates may offer additional benefits due to the impact of gravitational forces, which are less pronounced in the buoyant environment of Aqua Pilates. The study advocates for more controlled research to further explore these differences.

Both Aqua and Land Pilates are beneficial for improving physical fitness. However, for those looking to enhance body composition, flexibility, and abdominal endurance, Land Pilates might be the more effective choice. The study highlights the importance of selecting the appropriate Pilates modality based on individual fitness goals and conditions.

Keywords: Aqua Pilates, Land Pilates, physical fitness, body composition, aerobic capacity, muscle endurance, flexibility.

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